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Specialty-Specific Disability Insurance for Doctors

Doctors need disability insurance to protect their income. More importantly, they need the right disability insurance. Because physicians have made substantial investments into their careers, and because their lifestyle depends upon these investments, they need disability terms that cover their specific occupations. Not just any policy will do. Physicians should look for specialty-specific disability insurance.

Specialty-Specific Disability Insurance for Doctors

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The Best Disability Insurance for Physicians

Is a hand tremor a disabling condition? Depending on your occupation, it might be. Many jobs can still be performed by a person with a slight hand tremor. However, for a neurosurgeon, even a relatively minor tremor might be a complete career ender.

Let’s say you’ve devoted years of your life – as well as significant financial investment – to become a successful neurosurgeon. Then you develop a hand tremor that keeps you out of the operating room. You still have other career options available to you, but you can no longer work in your specialty, and as a result, you’re looking at a large pay cut. Under disability programs with a limited definition of disability, you might not qualify for any benefits. However, under a specialty-specific disability insurance policy, you should qualify for benefits. This is true even if you start working in another field or specialty.

Why Specialty-Specific Disability Insurance Matters

Specialty-specific coverage isn’t just important for neurosurgeons. Many physicians can benefit from this coverage. For example, maybe you’re an orthopedic surgeon. What happens if you start to lose your vision? Maybe your specialty requires you to work in a high-pressure environment. What happens if you develop a mental health disorder that makes working in highly stressful environments impossible?

Specialty-specific disability insurance coverage provides the most flexible disability definitions available. For physicians who have dedicated their careers to a highly specialized area of practice, these policies provide important coverage.

Protecting More Than Your Medical Career

Your specialty is more than a job – it represents years of training.

This typically requires a substantial investment of both time and money.

Under ideal circumstances, this investment will provide a good return as your career progresses and you command an increasingly attractive salary. However, if a disability prevents you from working in your specialty, you may not see the return on investment that you were counting on. As a result, you may not have the income needed to pay back your student loans or cover your mortgage.

Disability insurance provides protection against this risk.

Your specialty is more than a career – for many, a specialty is a calling.

It’s a key part of a physician’s identity. It’s also essential to maintaining the lifestyle that you’ve worked hard to create for yourself and your family.

Maybe your family enjoys vacations abroad, and your career makes this possible. Maybe you enjoy scuba diving, or your daughter enjoys horseback riding. If you lose your career due to a disability, you may also lose the ability to fund your family’s hobbies and vacations.

If you experience a disability that puts everything you’ve worked for in jeopardy, specialty-specific disability insurance eases the financial burden so you can maintain your family’s lifestyle.

A Policy’s Definition of Disability Is Game Changing

When is a person considered disabled? How severe do injuries or illnesses have to be before a person can qualify for disability benefits?

The answer will depend on the policy. Different policies use different definitions of disability, and some of these definitions may mean you don’t get anything when experiencing certain disabilities. That’s why having the right specialty-specific coverage is critical.

Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are typically only available in the case of total disability.

Likewise, most employer-provided disability insurance, and some individual policies have a strict definition of disability that will not pay benefits if you’re able to continue working outside of your chosen field. This is especially problematic for physicians who have put a significant amount of time and money into training for a specific career specialty.

Own occupation disability insurance provides better coverage for physicians. However, there are different types of Own Occupation coverage, and some are better than others.

Do You Have the Best Disability Insurance for Doctors?

You may already have disability insurance, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be protected if you experience a disability that keeps you from working in your specialty. You’ve worked hard to build your career. Now protect it with the specialty-specific disability insurance for doctors.